My Mission
“Figure By Faith means having presence and character that is significant by being a noticeable part of something through active trust and commitment to the process.
My mission is to help others achieve a healthy lifestyle that is BALANCED physically, nutritionally and spiritually by keeping things simple and easy. Easy as your ABC’s: Attitude, Believe, and Consistency.”
My Story
Where Do I Start?
That’s where I was after having my second baby at age 37, and not to mention gaining over 75lbs. Where do I start with having control with myself, my body, my health and my soul? Have you felt this way? You want to start gaining control, however with all the information with diet, exercise and other’s opinions it can lead to a viscous frustrating cycle of spinning your wheels to no end results. Now the crazy thing about this is it happened to me, and I was considered an “expert”!
• BS Exercise Science
• Mrs. Nebraska 2001
• Mrs. Fitness America 2001
• Professional Fitness Model
• Professional Masters and Open Figure Competitor
• National and World Figure Competitor
• WIFE and MOTHER of 2!
Although I have these accomplishments, I have realized that true satisfaction doesn’t come from this. There is always going to be something I would need to work on from an outward appearance, my ultimate victory is having the balance of faith in who I was and how I was created by God…every unique and special feature He has given me. I feel this balance can only come from having Christ in my life and wanting to glorify him, not to gratify myself. I have empowerment knowing I can overcome temptation, and honoring Him with a healthy lifestyle and body. After experiencing times of gaining and losing weight, crash and crazy diets, helplessness and hopelessness I have found what is key in seeing the results that are for a lifetime. Keeping things easy as ABC: Attitude, Believing, Consistency and maintaining a balance of Faith, Food and Fitness.